The Muffin Mountain Motel Man
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The Muffin Mountain Motel Man


作者: Donald Mosher
出版年: 2003-9
页数: 210
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9780595294657







This novel tells the story of C. Wendell Camp, a widower who thinks that his life is meaningless. He finds fulfillment and happiness with the help of a life long friend and the love of the widow of his long ago best friend. Wendell is a bitter man. After losing his wife and stillborn son (Charlie) he figures God has deserted him. His bible thumpin' sister, Tricia tries to convince him he'll see his loved ones again, but Wendell isn't buying it. His life time friend Diego tells him of two tons of gold that was lost in an earthquake near Muffin Mountain in 1863. Diego hopes to discover the gold to help the children of the orphanage he was raised in until the age of thirteen, in Baja, California. Diego leaves for Baja, when a PI he hired finds the bandito that killed his parents. Diego fully intends to kill the man. As the story reaches it's climax, Wendell has to race Duane Murphy, the town bully, up Muffin Mountain in the annual Sisyphus Race. Duane will stop at nothing, including disabling Wendell to win the race. While training for the race, he finds he has more in common with Lucy Anne Meeks, then running in the desert.

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