Long Green
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Long Green


作者: Peter Baroth
出版年: 2003-9
页数: 240
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595293094







When did it go wrong for the United States? One might start by asking when it started to go wrong for Harry Jones and Liz Patterson, two social dropouts who hook up with each other in Longville, Vermont, a remote fictional ski town in the American Northeast. Harry is sure that he's flunked the bar exam. Liz has become an alcoholic and has withdrawn from a prestigious Art History program. Will Harry's manic-depressive illness get the best of him? Will Liz return to drinking and carousing? Will their relationship withstand the tests of a time and a place that seem to both of them to be so out of joint? Through Harry, Liz and their friends we discover a world that has on one hand enchanted a circle of people and, on the other hand, has sorely let them down. "Long Green" is a story of romance, of lost and found potential, of giving up yet also learning to survive the pitfalls which come along on the road to adulthood. And sometimes, like life and love, it gets a little kinky. "Long Green," a story of loss and gain set against a utopian background, lost and found.

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