Daily Source of Strength
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Daily Source of Strength


作者: L·L·Jenkins
出版年: 2003-5
页数: 192
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595279838







The intent of the writer of this book is to address circumstances in life that man is likely to confront. Resolutions are submitted to the reader. It is also the intent of the author to explain sound philosophy that will give rise to a firm stand upon which to live and discover success. The book is filled with truths and positive conclusions that will assist one in making better decisions in one's life. Encouraging suggestions are found throughout the book. The reader will find these suggestions rewarding. The author has placed the reader in a caring posture. He or she is constantly challenged to digest what is best for him or her. Major Biblical facts are addressed replete with Bible references by using the KJV and the NIV. There are some patriotic comments shown in several areas. Significant questions are pondered in order to obtain the reader's focus. Examples are inserted that will make the point that the writer wants to convey. Wise advice is given, marriage needs are expounded upon, and blessings are addressed. Shekinah Glory and Unction are also discussed.

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