Out of Our Minds
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Out of Our Minds


作者: Craig B. Howley  |  Aimee Howley  |  Edwina Pendarvis
出版社: Prufrock Press
副标题: Turning the Tide of Anti-Intellectualism in American Schools
页数: 336
定价: USD 34.95
装帧: 平装
ISBN: 9781618216007







This second edition of the often-cited book on anti-intellectualism, Out of Our Minds, focuses on U.S. schools' failure to care for the intellects and talents of all children, gifted children in particular. The revision comprises nine chapters on these topics:

What is intellect and why is it important?;

The failure to cultivate intellect in American schooling;

Intellectualism and anti-intellectualism among teachers;

Families and credentialism;

The anti-intellectual university;

Anti-intellectual programming for the gifted;

Ethics, justice, equality, and intellect;

Where an intellectual education might reside; and

What an intellectual education might look like.

The authors provocatively examine issues of poverty, racism, and sexism and look at new information on the roles of higher education, media and technology, privatization, families, and the global economy as they pertain to the education of students in American schools.


Craig Howley, Ed.D., writer-editor for WordFarmers Associates, retired from Ohio University. He studies educational scale, rural education, and intellect and talent development. Aimee Howley, Ph.D., founder and lead researcher for WordFarmers Associates, conducts educational research and evaluation with a focus on inclusive education. She is also professor emerita at Ohio University, where she served as Senior Associate Dean of the Patton College of Education. Edwina Pendarvis, PH.D. continues to focus on education and Appalachian studies.

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