Stress-Busting Poetry
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Stress-Busting Poetry


作者: Gary Haymes
页数: 108
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424135202







Poetry is a composition of verse with words that are arranged in a variety of shapes and forms. Poetry is that portion of literature which expresses imagination and feelings most intensely. Poetry is a rhythmical creation of beauty in lyrics, which stirs our imagination. A poem can be an elevated expression, a vision or insight of majestic thoughts and feelings. A poet must communicate a personal revelation by using dream-like words so that they arouse the reader's imagination. The power of words fused into poetry is often magical beyond definition or reason, like loveliness. It is an intuitive experience. Often, poems are written only for entertainment and amusement. But some poems have a way of being painted memorably into every heart, causing the population to unite, resulting in altering the history of the world. Voltaire, the French satirist and philosopher created a fight to survive-type of poetry that ignited the French Revolution. When the Monarch of France finally capitulated in 1799, Voltaire's skeleton was retrieved from the grave and placed on the King's throne. If one reader is moved by only one single verse of a poem, then the poet's efforts were never in vain.

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