Lightning Bolt
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Lightning Bolt


作者: Brenda Gayle
页数: 212
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424135097







Nino Diochette, a.k.a. Nino Dio Onin Oid, was one of those rare people blessed with great health, great looks, and strong mind, body and spirit. He was the kind of man women desired, and the kind of man that other men wished they were. Forced to leave his native homeland in the early 1920s, he sailed off to sunny California, where he began his new life. All he wanted from life was to work and have fun, but life would throw him many curves. Because of a certain situation not brought on by him, he is compelled to commit murder. He then leaves California and relocates to Summerville, Georgia, where he not only meets the best friend of his life, but he meets three generations of extremely beautiful Cherokee woman. They all love him as he loves them, and in his later years he marries the youngest and has a child, a son. But time has run out for him. He spends his last remaining time on earth preparing his wife and son for the future, a future without him. He makes his wife promise not to reject love when it comes to her. Blessed to the very end, he takes with him his dignity, self-respect, honor, and most of all, the love of his wife and son.

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