Like a Brooklyn
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Like a Brooklyn


作者: Kessie Burchett J
出版年: 2006-7
页数: 216
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781424128686







Like a Brooklyn is Kessieas second novel and just as powerful as his first Babynuke. This one deals with a southern police force during the Civil Rights riots of 1968. It follows two police officers as they deal with the mounting pressures to do what is right verses the demands of a bigoted police chief and a blind political system. Based loosely on actual events including the infamous Jailhouse Alley Riot in a small southern town. The author's father was a police officer who had to endure this very fight and vented to his young son and family each might as they listened intensely to stories of man's inhumanity to his fellow man. This story follows an older officer Curtis and a younger officer Frank as Curtis tries to teach Frank everything an officer needs to know including teaching him to stand up for what he knows is right. Doing the right thing is never easy and in the copas world of 1968 with its politically incorrect thinking, blatantly obvious bigotry, and interoffice political backstabbing, it is almost impossible. We also get a glimpse of the struggles of Rev. Littlejohn who has begun to doubt his religious beliefs until a chance meeting with Martin Luther King Jr. helps to relight his fires and helps him to again receive his calling. Curtis is also haunted by the ghosts of citizens he failed to realize needed his help and he vows to never let it happen again.

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