A Stock Story
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A Stock Story


作者: J·Plottner
页数: 172
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424126613







When I bought the dump truck and customer list from my father shortly after discharge from the Army, in the early nineteen fifties, at the tender age of twenty-two years, I never dreamed that this very small, part-time refuse hauling business would eventually grow to a full-time operation, then to a more capital-intensive packer truck operation, then to a multiple packer truck operation, then to a merger with a larger local waste hauling company, and finally become part of a soon-to-be, publicly held company named SCA Services, which gained listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 1972. This writing concerns how I reached the New York Stock Exchange part of the story, and then the fourteen year history of my existence with a publicly held company that was to go through much turbulence in the coming years. It can be a very scary experience to have your total net worth represented by pieces of paper called stock certificates that fluctuate madly all over the spectrum on a regular basis. I have tried to present in this writing what I have construed to be the truth of what went on, both good and bad, in the fourteen-year history of this corporation, which went by the stock symbol SVC. There is such a plethora of greed and crookedness in the world that one can only shake his or her head in wonderment. Sad to say even James Stewart, in his fine book titled Den of Thieves, devoted a page or so to some of the stock machinations during the last days of SCA. This was one hell of an experience and education for yours truly, and I am hopeful that it will be the same for the reader. aJ. Plottner

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