Fear Balls and Button Wads
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Fear Balls and Button Wads


作者: Penny Dorpinghaus
页数: 54
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424122813







Sam Martin is a twelve-year-old boy whose father goes out of town the night after the brazen robbery of a neighbor, the Hendersons. Samas father asks Sam to protect the family while he is away. Sam quickly evaluates his limited physical strengths and realizes he must rely on his creativity to outsmart potential robbers. He sets booby traps throughout the house and falls asleep. The next morning, Sam realizes the robbers didnat come, and he must unset the traps before his family faces the fate he had planned for the criminals. Sam accidentally stumbles onto the robbers and overhears their plans. His attempts to stop them spiral Sam and his best friend Becka into the world of international intrigue and espionage. Sam and Becka must solve the mystery and stop the spy. Our nationas safety is at risk. This is a story of friendship and struggles. Sam and Becka turn to each other and use their surprising talents to solve disasters facing them and looming over their family and friends. They are willing to risk their lives to protect each other and our nation. Sam never gives up, and his loyalty and creativity save the day.

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