Here I Stand
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Here I Stand


作者: Simon Ramkirath
页数: 82
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424121731







Reflecting on the flaws and perfections of the world, Here I Stand is a collection of lyric poetry that takes humans and the surrounding natural world as its subject. It explores the beauty and harmony of nature, elaborating on the importance of interacting with it for peace of mind and at the same time points out the imperfections of humans and the fear that they will corrupt nature. In the face of these imperfections, however, it offers concrete advice for living the best life one can in a flawed world. The very first poem in the volume, "Beyond the Light," investigates the quality of human sight. While some people have the ability to see the literal, physical world into the darkness which holds "such fascination, varied colors and designs," others will never even fathom it because of their own imperfections. In order to see into the darkness, one must: Perfect your imperfections, Train your minds, your eyes, To see beyond the light, to understand the unknown, All its mysteries and intrigues. Similarly, in "Chase Your Dreams," the poet argues that humans must rely on themselves in a world that "gives nothing freely. Though it has all." It advises that in order to carve out one's own place in the world, one should: Aim for the stars Then, demand your place in the world. This collection bites deep, revealing ugly scars of human frailties, yet it gives directions for hope and redemption.

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