Soul of a Poet
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Soul of a Poet


作者: Dee K·Main
页数: 66
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424121601







Dee was born in 1969 in Fort Worth, Texas. Dee never was much of a reader or a writer until she found the ability to put words on paper in her early thirties. When Dee realized that she had the ability to write not only her emotions but other peopleas emotions down on paper, she found the desire to read and write. With the love and encouragement of some very special people throughout her lifetime, she was able to put her emotions and experiences down into a solid form that touched other peoples minds, hearts, souls and lives. As Dee wrote more and more about her life experiences and emotions, she found that the world was a wonderous place full of many interesting things to write about. This discovery led her to write this book of poetry. Not only to share with the world some of her own experiences, but to give people a reason to shed a tear. She discovered that there were many emotions inside the human heart that could cause tears to form and fall. This discovery is the reasons that Dee wanted to write this book. It is a book about the varieties of life.

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