All about Me in Poetry Form
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All about Me in Poetry Form


作者: Monica Jones
页数: 148
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424119882







All About Me in Poetry Form is based on my growing-up years, my working history, and my illness. My book was written from my heart, describing what it can see, what it hears, and what it feels. My book walks through my mind, going places some minds have never been. I write with sincere compassion about the love of my family and friends. When I wrote this book, my heart was wide open, expressing things that I couldnat say with spoken words. I was able to open a new door to life. Writing has helped me remember where Iave been and overcome some of my fears. What I was unable to say aloud, I was able to put on paper. I talk about stress and the power it can have over a human brain, and how the heart and brain work together. My book will help the next person who goes through what Iave been through. I pray that after reading my book you may have a different outlook on life and another viewpoint on how the heart and mind work together, and that you have a different understanding and acceptance of those who are going through a difficult and confusing time.

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