Mere Words
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Mere Words


作者: E·M·Bautista
页数: 112
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424118250







E.M. Bautista began her love of poetry in high school. Poetry has been a great tool of expression for her. aI never thought of writing as a career. It has been just a hobby for me to keep my sanity and express what I was feeling. Poetry is a great release for my emotions. In school I was the quiet daydreamer and was not very talkative. I lacked skills in public speaking because of poor self-confidence, and being extremely shy. Poetry has opened up the world for me. It is a gift of joy that the Lord has blessed me with. I hope others will be blessed, encouraged, and find faith in Him from these words that He has inspired me to write a In her first book debut, Mere Words, she writes about a variety of subjects that are sure to touch hearts of many backgrounds. Her love of God evident by her numerous poems speak of finding strength and hope in Him. She writes about Hollywood heartache, love, and friendship, the importance of family and friends, and how her life has been enriched by relationships with them.

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