Passions of Intimacy
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Passions of Intimacy


作者: Henry L·Blue
页数: 82
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424118076







The appearance of love is not always showing; love is pleasurable moments unpredicted and unknowing. Love is as a breeze forever flowing, often showing; love is not assured to be lasting or growing. Love is a glance, be it a moment or forever; love is frequently changing, uneducated and also clever. This is a book of love secrets, various thoughts of love concealed; never confessed, unexpressed, forbidden thoughts never revealed. Some desires of love are never spoken; craving appetites unfulfilled. This vow of silence will now be broken; disguised feelings revealed. These collections are all written of one hand, expressed of one love; one love of many passions. Love has no excuse; no limitations, no reservations. One may be frightened, or even enlightened to know love as never expressed; in spite how stressed or even blessed, the time is at hand for love to confess. I am a man who has experienced many loves of various emotions; I have known the love of friendship, the love of being in love, the love of being rejected, the love of being admired, the love of lust, the love of grieving love to not part, the love of a broken heart, the love of craving to be loved, and many other loves of many tasteful flavors. As only the heart can discern with uncontested truth, I have emptied myself of every experience through the words of expressed artistic poetry. I have creatively put into words unexpressed burning emotions of experiencing and knowing love. Within the pages of this book you will discover intense passionate emotions; uncontested honesty which most are unable to find words to express. The honest truth fearless of opinion, vulnerably exposed. The time is now for love to confess, thosethoughts of love never expressed; The Passions of Intimacy. Be enlightened, be infatuated, and be vulnerable. As fire longing to burn; Love desire expression. As dryness crave moisture; The hunger of love is confession.

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