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作者: Julian Adomako-Gyimah
页数: 148
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9781424113408







We always need to recall the past in order to know where we are and where we are heading. There is also a strong comparison between inanimate elements and animate ones, and that is the reason why we recall these similarities or comparisons between the televisions and humans as well as that between oceans and life. A close look at the tidal waves on the oceans around the world depicts what life is all about. In both instances, there are peaks and troughs, which need to be smoothened as we go along. Recall takes a look at how a man recalled the challenges that his boyhood heroes faced and used it to the best of his advantage, just for the good of his society and the world as a whole. Legson Kayira, having recalled the lives of Abraham Lincoln, a man who defeated poverty to become a hero, and Booker T Washington, took his destiny into his own hands and walked from Nyasaland (Malawi) to Cairo. He covered a distance of 3,000 miles in search of college education in America, as he believed this would liberate him from poverty, just like Lincoln. This book basically brings to light all that we see around us, and how we can relate it to life for our own good. Recall what has happened and keeps happening around you with the aid of Recall, my second book.

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