Melodies from the Heart
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Melodies from the Heart


作者: Jacqueline Browning Winchester
页数: 64
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424102716







Have you ever asked yourself why bookstores have small selections on poetry, making up one quarter of the bookstore selections? There are rows of literature and mystery books. Just when a poetry book catches your eye, you pull it out and begin to skim it. This book would be okay if it wasnat so complicated. What did the author mean? Did I comprehend it correctly? The book gets re-shelved. You pull out another one called Famous American Poets. The poems date as far back as 1829. aHow could I possibly relate to that?a you ask yourself. Are there any poetry books that are easy to understand and that you could relate to? After all, reading should be an enjoyable experience. In my book, Melodies from the Heart, thereas nothing to assume. My poems are accurately detailed, leaving the reader fully aware of whatas going on, just as if the reader were there. All my poems are modern-day life experiences that people can relate to. Life is already complicated enough. Melodies from the Heart replaces stress and gives joy back to life by giving the reader a chance to stop and reflect. To take time out and appreciate whatas important to them. When you read Melodies from the Heart, it will definitely leave your heart in tune to lifeas most precious moments.

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