Joyce's Investments
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Joyce's Investments


作者: Fannie E·Newberry
出版年: 2007-12
页数: 292
定价: $ 33.84
ISBN: 9781421897400







Prison for Oscar Wilde, an English prison with its insufficient bad food 1] and soul-degrading routine for that amiable, joyous, eloquent, pampered Sybarite. Here was a test indeed; an ordeal as by fire. What would he make of two years' hard labour in a lonely cell? There are two ways of taking prison, as of taking most things, and all the myriad ways between these two extremes; would Oscar be conquered by it and allow remorse and hatred to corrupt his very heart, or would he conquer the prison and possess and use it? Hammer or anvil-which? Victory has its virtue and is justified of itself like sunshine; defeat carries its own condemnation. Yet we have all tasted its bitter waters: only "infinite virtue" can pass through life victorious, Shakespeare tells us, and we mortals are not of infinite virtue. The myriad vicissitudes of the struggle search out all our weaknesses; test all our powers. Every victory shows a more difficult height to scale, a steeper pinnacle of god-like hardship-that's the reward of victory: it provides the hero with ever-new battle-fields: no rest for him this side the grave.

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