Special Interest
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Special Interest


作者: T·Q·O'Hara
出版年: 2006-3
页数: 380
定价: $ 20.33
ISBN: 9781420891102







A plot to blackmail the President of the United States that may result in a second American civil war. An ancient, secret organization manipulates American and world politics to their own advantage using modern lobbying techniques and the legal flexibility only found in western democracies. Senators and Congressmen and woman are bought and sold like hard-boiled eggs in an Irish bar on Saturday night. The First Lady attends a subversive political junket at the old Dupont Mansion- in Cuba. Thomas Windtrouble graduates from law school late in life looking for a change of venue. During salary negotiations for a new job he is shocked when his future employer offers him $100,000 a month, plus perks, when he was hoping for $100,000 a year. His duties include attending parties, junkets, and fund-raisers with corporate giants, mega-Foundation directors, Senators and Congress-persons and foreign dignitaries, among others. TW soon finds himself immersed in political intrigues and deceptions at the highest levels of American government. Visits to the White House via secret underground tunnels and visits to hidden underground bunkers in the West Virginia hills reveal a glimpse of "politics as usual" that are rarely revealed. In a quandary, TW loves his new job not to mention the incredible salary. But, he has found himself in a nest of TICS (Traitors, Idiots, Cowards and Saboteurs) and he can't get out. In only a few weeks he learns more about "political reality," deception, sedition, and conspiracy than anyone could possibly imagine. A look at a White House that "might have been" depicts a deviously childish and reckless president propped up by "cooked" poll numbers and a false media, and theextent that president will go to script his legacy.

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