A Sailor's Valentines Wish
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A Sailor's Valentines Wish


作者: Jackson Jean
出版年: 2006-3
页数: 108
定价: $ 27.11
ISBN: 9781420884494







On an extended deployment during this special occasion, a sailor has decided to tell a little story of his life. A bond that made him successful throughout his childhood is now linking him to a very beautiful girl that he met in high school. The undying crush that he has for her keeps on growing stronger every day and he wants it to be revealed for he sees no future without her. He also wants to send out lovely messages tending to shape lives all over the world without forgetting the brave men and women overseas defending freedom. To make this Valentine's Day more special he has made a wish. He is wishing that there would be no more break ups, no more broken hearts, no more fights between couples, no more divorces for the sake of our children. He wants true love to reign forever, stop using each other for any reasons, cease hurting one another. He hopes everybody will have nothing but happiness in their relationships, more importantly he is dreaming to see his parents reunited for they have been separated more than a decade. Poems of all sorts such as "Tribute to Women, '' "True Gentleman''. French, Spanish, Creole poems thoroughly translated in English this book is one of a kind. Furthermore, song and letters, this book is a galley of art. Jackson Jean in "A Sailor's Valentines Wish."

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