Trust and Betrayal
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Trust and Betrayal


作者: Louise Hyson
出版年: 2006-8
页数: 280
定价: $ 19.76
ISBN: 9781420860870







At their At their father's will reading, Susan Graves Baker and her brother Michael learn from his attorney that they have been left penniless. Charles Graves had bequeathed everything except his business to his new wife, Estelle. Tearfully, the siblings move out on their own and start plotting to sue Estelle for what is rightfully theirs. Sue is stunned when her uncle reveals he is signing their father's company over to she and her brother. Susan decides she will run her father's business, and while reacquainting herself with the company, She finds many documents that indicate her father may have been planning to change his will. While searching for clues for the validity of her belief, Sue recruits witnesses in the fight against her stepmother. Along the way, Sue and Michael gain unlikely allies in their quest. Susan also finds herself dealing with her ex-husband, Danny, due to an agreement made between her father and his. In addition, she and Danny find themselves rekindling a relationship they thought was long gone. Also on board, to Sue and Michael's surprise, is their father's attorney, also Estelle's ex-lover. He decided to relinquish himself of the guilt he felt over what he had done to hurt Susan, for whom he secretly loved. He gives a deposition to Susan's lawyer, which strengthens their case against Estelle. Armed with enough ammunition to ultimately win their parent's house back, Susan and Michael are confident they will be triumphant in their battle against their stepmother.

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