From Where The Sun Stands Now, And Then Forever Stands
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From Where The Sun Stands Now, And Then Forever Stands


作者: Jack F·Reich
出版年: 2005-8
页数: 152
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9781420858938







This book is a peak into the mind of a pack of wolves. How they think and how they react to the human involvement around them. It is a fantasy fiction based on factual places which I have been and seen. This approach has never been taken before to my knowledge. The wolves thought waves are spoken in the human tongue therefore I have given them almost human personalities and yet they are all wolf. They interact with a young Indian boy that is almost blind and save him from a near death experience of a spring blizzard. Their friendship grows from this experience which will continue their entire lives. This book is written before the white man came to the plains. Life was simple. The way it could have been, should have been and maybe was. This book is compelling, colorful and will capture your attention. Cubby and Curly, two young wolves, have attached themselves to Moon Boy which is the nearly blind Indian boy. They will help him and give him the gift of sight. Moon Boy will use this second sight to see above and beyond human ability. This will help him through many life challenges. They will face fierce animals, Indian raids and survive life on the Plains.

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