Sold In Sixty SecondsT
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Sold In Sixty SecondsT


作者: Craig A·Israel  |  Ann McWilliams  |  Miles R
出版年: 2005-8
页数: 108
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9781420852615







Sold in Sixty Seconds is everything you need to know about broadcast advertising that really works. Learn what keeps listeners' attention--and what drives them away. Find out how to capture attention before the first word is spoken. Discover the secrets of working your advertising message into long-term memory so customers will think of you when they need your product or service. In a short-attention-span economy, the right jingle can mean the difference between an ad that works and an ad that's switched off. Did you know... 13% of listeners will change stations during the first ad* 93 listeners out of 100 will switch stations after four ads* The trend is for stations to pack more ads into less airtime Broadcast advertising is a game of seconds. A great jingle can give you the edge.You've got something to sell and a story to tell. And you've only got a minute - maybe less. Successful advertisers use music to set the stage because nothing can instantly grab attention and then stick in consumer memory like a great jingle. Nothing.

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