Section 36
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Section 36


作者: Greg A·Garton
页数: 436
定价: $ 37.86
ISBN: 9781420839418







Section 36 is a story of several journeys throughout history to a unique section of land deep within the heartland of an inimitable strata of mountains created over 230 million years ago. Tied to this land are the lives of some of the first inhabitants of this scenic wonder, a journal of Wyoming's first Mountain Men and a portrayal of a modern day Wyoming teacher who walks in the mystical pathways of his forbearers. The eternal power of love, vengeance and the search for human fulfillment, mixed with Native American myth and lore, cross many generations as the characters struggle against nature and human vice in their attempt to established a foothold in the rugged beauty of the American West. Are the characters simply destined to play a part in the drama of human existence, or through sheer will of temperament can they learn from past lives and experiences, the ability to mold their own destiny. Travel west with them through the earthquakes and floods of the Mississippi River, the mother who accepts all streams into her womb, as they eke out a foothold along the dark reaches of the Missouri, retracing the route of Lewis and Clark. Only those who learn the lessons of Native American wisdom, and live as one with the land, will survive the ending passageway following the Platte to the far Blue Mountains. No goal can be reached without sacrifice. How many times in human existence must this lesson be taught before it becomes inculcated within our souls, for those who fail to learn the lesson of history are doomed to repeat it's sad progress, regardless the sorrow caused. The hard granite peaks respect no one, not even time. Set in the panoramic American West, this saga accurately depictsour country's history from the late 1700's through today and is infused with the parables of life necessary for the human spirit to persevere and triumph.

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