Nappy is Good
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Nappy is Good


作者: Devon Callahan
出版年: 2005-5
页数: 316
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9781420839364







Nappy, raw, rugged truth (is good) Is Ethnic expression and if nothing else, it's like the b-sides to real life situations - the side we know about and forget about. For some it's the side we choose to ignore. Nappy is good is our reminder. Also encompassed are my conjectures, my views on different social issues and events. Nappy is good is simply a way to state; more than one way to look at it. Co-titled conversation piece because there are different subjects germane to our living as a culture and amiable views that can be identified by a variety. Forces us to put things into perspective by offering tasteful topics for thought and discussion. This is the doctor for troubled relationships. It's education. It's inspirational and drives the thought process at records speeds. It's education, it's history that we witnessed while in the making. What some of us fail to retain is that history is the story, the reason why things are the way they are today. So if you like poetic expression, this is for you; if you enjoy spending that "me" time reflecting, this is what you need; if you readily accept challenge, this book is for you; if you thrive on good conversation and polished opinions, this definitely is the book for you.

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