Diary of My Heart
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Diary of My Heart


作者: Stacey Jeanette Jones
出版年: 2004-7
页数: 122
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9781413721249







Diary of My Heart began after a love affair that went very wrong, but it didnat end there. Discovering the person left hurt and damaged also brings forth self-discovery. Admission of the mistakes made while coming to understand what love teaches a person are all wrapped up in the poems written here. Diary of My Heart contains moments of tragic debilitating depression and conquering them to find that you must truly know yourself before you can truly love another. This collection is an honest portrait of my experience with my first serious love and the years that followed. I have written at various times in my life to better understand what I was going through. It is the greatest form of therapy you can do for yourself and I am happy to share my work with others. Diary of My Heart shows that there is always someone who can relate to what you are going through if you only reach out to them. This book proves love is always closer than you think, but you will never be ready for it until you truly know yourself. Open yourself up to Diary of My Heart and you might find that you arenat alone out there.

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