A Pup Named Bear
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A Pup Named Bear


作者: Rosie Munoz
页数: 28
定价: $ 20.34
ISBN: 9781420832167







A book solely made to build the self-esteem of a child Everyone has a special quality that makes him or her that unique person. There is nothing wrong to admire someone for his or her ability to jump higher or run faster. Yet when a child feels that the quality they possess is not enough to be accepted that can bring their self-esteem down. It doesn't take a child psychologist to note when a child is not happy with whom they are and lack of cheering them on can damper the growth of their self-esteem. Pup the Bear is confronted with this same problem on the farm he lives on. He later realizes that it doesn't matter if others have an aptitude to jump higher or run faster he too is special. In finding someone who looked up to him and cheered on his talents he takes pride for he realizes his capabilities made him as special as the others on the farm. This being one big leap from what he thought of himself when mocked. It is also a book that can help parents address the matter with their child. It's a story that allows a parent and child to sit together and through illustration to bring forth this problem, if it exists with the child, out on the surface in a more colorful way. It tells them "just like Bear you too are special." More importantly it is a moment of 'quality time' giving both parent and child a moment to discuss all the special traits the child has. Just like most children Bear has a good heart and selflessness about him. He holds this kind disposition till the very end of the story, which makes the reader love Bear.

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