Matey's Petite Collection
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Matey's Petite Collection


作者: Matey
页数: 52
定价: $ 10.68
ISBN: 9781420831801







My handler is a lot smarter than he looks. We have been colleagues at the Agency for a number of years and I have come to know him quite well. I respect him greatly. I particularly admire his command of the English language. "Command', mind you, doesn't necessarily mean his stuff is good. But it's erudite. Sometimes it's poignant and often, it's even fun. That is why I am publishing this little collection of some of his poems, sayings and stuff. It will soon become clear what "stuff" is. Not all of these are his creations; all the poems are, save one; no one else would claim them. Anything in quotes comes from someone else, but not always from anyone he remembers. Simply put, it is a collection of his dreams, musings, favorite sayings and stuff. In one case, the E.T. Sullivan poem it is a favorite of his, sent to him by a friend when his wife of 40 years died. I must warn you. Be careful with it around pre-teenagers. He has a ribald sense of humor. I dedicate this little book to his children, Suzanne and David, and to his grandchildren, Kate, Jack, and Lindsay (who should read it someday when they are older.)

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