Is It Over
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Is It Over


作者: J·Aundre' Clinton
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 276
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781420831597







At the end of Sins from the Past, Milton discloses that he is HIV positive, which sends Dae'Mon on an emotional roller coastal ride of uncertainty. He later returns to the condo to carry out a murderous plot of revenge against Milton but decides against it. He, in turn, runs like a cat on a hot tin roof. And we were left wondering what would become of them? Would Dae'Mon return to Milton? Or would he disappear like a thief in the night, leaving Milton heartbroken and alone? Dae'Mon disappears. Now, in Is It Over Dae'Mon returns and vows to put his life back on track without Milton. But he fails to answer the question, Is he truly better off without Milton by his side? His inability to make a decision sends him on another sea-saw journey of emotional mayhem, which causes his behavior to become erratic and very unpredictable. Dae'Mon finds himself in more sticky situations than he bargains for as he has one sexual escapade after the other; and to make matters worse, he ends up in a brawl with a street thug that wants to make him his love interest. Dae'Mon struggles to keep his life on track only to be hit by a devastating loss that brings him face to face with Milton again. Will Dae'Mon break out like he has the chickenpox? Or will he finally answer the question, Is It Over?

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