Frog in the Well
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Frog in the Well


作者: S·S·Wong
出版年: 2005-4
页数: 268
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781420825299







Welcome to the well Although dry, the well is a fantastic place. Home to thousands of bottom-dwellers, it is crowded with bustling markets, coliseums, and temples. There are also puddles that are filled with boats and ships, trying to catch bountiful harvests. On the docks and harbors, frantic mercantile activity flourishes. And the hundreds of tributaries that feed into the puddles are crammed with bridges, shops, and cafs. Dwarf tree houses can be seen everywhere, along with thousands of mushroom cottages and mansions. The foot of the interior wall is also riddled with dwellings, embellished by countless little windows and balconies. In this colorful world lives a humble dung beetle, Simon. Caught in a power struggle between the religious fundamentalists and the republicans, his fate will eventually intertwine with that of the emperor of the world - a frog To complicate matters, a butterfly from the outside gets sucked down into the well by a gust of wind The well has a fascinating history. In ancient times, entire civilizations clashed with one another for survival. They even built the Great Wall to keep out the barbarians And the epic battles were filled with catapults, siege towers, and charging rhinoceros beetles Frog in the Well is an exciting fantasy novel for young adults. But adults will also gain much insight from the story. Peppered with bittersweet humor throughout, it is a timeless parable that raises questions about the meaning of life. More than just a story, Frog in the Well is also a new philosophy - a new movement The novel hopes to change the way we all view our world and the universe. Visit the official website:

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