Deep Within
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Deep Within


作者: Patricia Black
页数: 168
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781420825213







As you travel down the road of life, there are several things that you must learn, because life is filled with lots of lessons and bundles of blessings. There are several trials that you must go through in order to be successful, and to even have accomplished what you have this far. This book was designed to help you along life's road. The goal is not to tell you what to do, as I am not a psychologist. I am merely a Poet that wants to share some deep yet, personal experiences that I have had and have witnessed throughout my life. I believe that everyone's situation is unique and what has worked for someone else, may not work for you. However, I am hoping that this book will lift your spirits, enlighten you and help you see things in a different perspective. Not everything in life is black or white and yes or no. Sometimes just knowing that you are not alone in what you are going through and having faith that you can conquer your life's challenges is very important for us all. Sometimes we live in the valley a lot longer than we need to because we don't have all the answers. We want to be sure and think things through so that we may make the right decisions. Sometimes we need a little help but just don't know who to ask, or where to turn. I believe that we can all help someone else get through their trials and tribulations. We can help someone celebrate their joy, or shed some light on what may have been a gray area. This book is a collection of poetry from all of my life's experiences and the challenges that I've encountered. How lessons were learned and how they were reflected upon me. Poetry, to me, should be words that make you feel good about something that has happened in yourlife. A combination of words that encourage, enlighten and strengthen your inner-soul. Poetry is inspirational and most of all a gift from God. I believe that there is help with whatever you are facing in your life. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is ok to mourn, because pain is a part of life. As sure as the sun comes out to play, please believe that a little rain will surely come your way. I have written poetry since age thirteen. My life's calling is to share my poetry with the world in hopes that it will help you or someone you know through your trials, and help you see things in a different perspective.

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