Tha New Mawd.RN A.Maar.I.Kn Lang.Gwij
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Tha New Mawd.RN A.Maar.I.Kn Lang.Gwij


作者: m·Shestek
页数: 480
定价: $ 33.84
ISBN: 9781420808414







"Have you ever wanted to find a word in the English dictionary, you know how the word sounds, but you don't know how to spell it (that's why you need a Dictionary, Right?). Well, Wud ya Know ." "I can't find it 'cause it izn't spelt the way it sounds " This book will chaanj awl that. The werdz in this book ARE speld tha way they sound. The "English written Language" is "Archaic, Inaccurate, Obsolete, and is an atrocity to human intelligence and it's time for an update. 10,000 years from now someone will dig up an English Dictionary from a ancient site, look at it and throw it away because they couldn't understand what it said or what language it was. "Wau , Wut wuz that ?" You could say, this book is the "Rosetta Stone" between the "English written Language" and "CONSCIOUS REALITY ?." It's time to fiks the language so we kan awl reed and understand werdz az they sound. One sound symbol = one sound. "Trim the FAT ." Designate a symbol for each sound and use that symbol in a word where the sound belongs. "How hard iz that ." If it's broken, we fiks it, If we need something new, we create it, If it's obsolete, we toss it out. (confused? You'll find out why, inside this book).

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