C Cause of the Universe Ultimate Cause UC
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C Cause of the Universe Ultimate Cause UC


作者: Neil C·P·Dukelow
出版年: 2005-8
页数: 200
定价: $ 19.78
ISBN: 9781418499822







You want to know how it really is. Start here and by the end of the book you will know cause of the universe. Ultimate Cause is your most intimate companion It makes a difference to you yourself, your culture and the people of the world what you think about cause of the universe. You are your thoughts. They are all of the mortal universe except for Ultimate Cause. THINK The universe is a box. Think outside the box. Think of cause of the box. That is Ultimate Cause. This book is about cause of the whole universe from galaxies of stars to subatomic particles, from DNA to human cultures. In seeking to know, in contributing to knowing and in knowing cause of the universe all people, all thought, sciences, religions and philosophies are united. We know Ultimate Cause by inference from our knowledge of the universe as capability to cause the universe to be as it is. With the point of view of Ultimate Cause we see that UC likes and enjoys everything and everyone. We can too. We work and struggle in the processes of life. It all ends. It is all mortal --- except for Ultimate Cause. The mortality and recycling of the universe make sense when we think of it as a drama for UC to experience and enjoy. Our existence, birth and growth depend on mortality and recycling. UC is not mortal, so is not moral, likes and enjoys everyone and everything.. Ultimate Cause is our most intimate companion, sharing our every thought and feeling. UC has it all in memory beyond the existence of the universe. This is

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