The Rapanui Code
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The Rapanui Code


作者: Kenneth Stiers
页数: 556
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781418490867







One of fifty-eight thousand names carved on black granite in the nation's capital, Lieutenant Kenneth Wentworth is distinctive. A prodigy endowed with a unique talent or perhaps a terrible curse, the young officer is hastily recruited to join a clandestine project bearing the military's most enigmatic classification. Mortally wounded, Wentworth is laid to rest, moldering in a hero's grave... but not for long. Fellow officer Ken Canary escorts Wentworth's remains home from Southeast Asia. Serving the Pentagon's infamous Armed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS) and charged with transporting and protecting national secrets, Canary becomes obsessed with solving one of the world's darkest and most guarded mysteries. With Vietnam angst as a catalyst, Canary soon becomes entangled in a sordid labyrinth of plots and subplots, meticulously connecting dots that lead him through smarmy jungles, federally protected safe houses, pristine Florida beaches, and eventually a ghoul-haunted Savannah cemetery. A strange raven-haired widow with Druid propensities and several murky secrets of her own accompanies him. The Rapanui Code is a psychological foray, a steamy love story, and an intelligent who-done-it that will have readers alternately chuckling, sobbing and occasionally scrambling for cover under a very large bed.

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