Finding Your Way Home
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Finding Your Way Home


作者: Lucynda Koesters
出版年: 2005-2
页数: 336
定价: $ 25.93
ISBN: 9781418489649







Find Your Way Home What is keeping YOU from coming home to your family? Are you a working parent looking for a way to leave the paid workforce to become a stay-at-home parent? Or, are you a stay-at-home parent looking for a way to successfully maintain your home-based lifestyle? Whether you are currently at home, or in the process of looking for a way to come home, this is the book for you. Finding Your Way Home offers comprehensive step-by-step strategies to help you plan and implement an exit from the workforce, and create a sustainable life at home with your family. In this book, you will: Learn why a stay-at-home parent is so beneficial to children of all ages. Discover how having a parent at home can improve your health, marriage, family life, and yes, even your budget Analyze your options for working: full-time, part-time, home-based business, free-lance, or stay-at-home parenting full-time. Learn how to cut household expenses. Create a new one-income household budget. Conquer fear and turn in your resignation Maintain your self-esteem and overcome resistance once at home. Create new home-based routines and become a successful household manager. Create a safe haven: a relaxed, secure, and sustainable home-based lifestyle for the whole family Based on the author's extensive research, interviews with dozens of parents and her highly personal account of her own struggle to find her way home, this book offers everything a parent needs to come home successfully. Finding Your Way Home will be referred to again and again as you transition to the calmer, less hurried, and family-focused lifestyle of your dreams.

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