Getting Pass Your Past
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Getting Pass Your Past


作者: Owen Johnson
页数: 84
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9781418488444







Discover an Abundant Life in your Present Condition--- Are you tired of living in your past? Are you sick and tired of your past coming up every time you try to go up? Are you just tired of your past messing with your blessings? It may seem like your life is as good as it will get, until you discover that there is a better way. Many people still live in a past experience that hinders them from living in an abundant future. Abundant living comes in different ways depending upon what we feel true abundance means. Material abundance is nice to have, but spiritual abundance is what we must have. One of today's buzz-phrases is-'if it ain't broke, break it.' There are mind-sets that haven't yet been broken that need to be broken. One in particular, God is punishing me and that's why I'm getting what I'm getting. This type of mentality is not scriptural and I'm going to deal with it in this book. Your past may be uncomfortable, but it's not unforgivable. The scriptures doesn't tell us in all your getting, get things, but it does tell us, in all your getting, get an understanding. In knowing this, God created us to be abundant in Him, but we deviated from being complete in Him. Therefore; we must seek to understand and we will discover, How to get pass our past.

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