Fan the Flame
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Fan the Flame


作者: H·William Berger
页数: 680
定价: $ 45.14
ISBN: 9781418482046







The world had seen many conflicts and cruel wars. In a relatively short span of time, mankind had progressed from stone spears to nuclear and biological weapons. The ingredients for such tools of mass destruction had been disappearing from certain countries and research centers for the last decade or two. A naive nation was surprised and totally unprepared for the unleashing of a man-made Hell. The question is; "Could they survive in a world gone suddenly insane? That remained to be proven. Jim Rae was just one of the thousands of commercial drivers that guide their semi tractor trailers across the nation's highways. He didn't have much interest in politics but it didn't take him long to realize the nation was in trouble. Being suddenly immersed in the horror and chaos of a full-blown terrorist attack, he had no way of knowing the key roll he might play in the outcome. Cindy was young in calendar years but much older within her mind. She had suffered enough, been through enough pain to take away her youthful naivet forever. There were only two things that kept her going in such terrifying times ... Her wits ... and her love for Jim. Would their unique bond prove to be enough to help them survive the apocalyptic turn of events? Only Time or God knew the answer. Unfortunately, for now, neither of them were talking.

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