The Devil, You Say
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The Devil, You Say


作者: G·F·KAYE
页数: 320
定价: $ 21.41
ISBN: 9781418477394







The End is Near ? The Devil Incarnate, the second greatest power in the universe, according to some, anyway, was mightily peeved Someone had stolen a doorknocker Not just any doorknocker, however This one, until very recently, had hung on the gates of hell, themselves It wasn't the fact that the thing was missing, however, that was the cause for concern. Simply put, the Devil and The Boss had an agreement that was governed by certain heavenly Rules, they had a loophole in them, someone had found it, and now there would truly be hell to pay if they weren't stopped Those same Rules, however, also prevented either the Devil or any minion of hell from doing anything about it directly, so a likely assistant from the mortal world was required - and not just anyone. Someone with a talent for solving puzzles and finding things was needed. That person also needed to be a born skeptic, or a trained one, whatever, for the simple reason that skeptics had a tendency to take things with a more realistic frame of mind - once you managed to convince them that you really were who you said you were, that is. Well, as it happened, the Devil had found the needed skeptic. So much for the easy part. Now was when things would get interesting

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