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作者: Mary Ballard S
出版年: 2005-2
页数: 392
定价: $ 32.71
ISBN: 9781418455163







Between the covers Writing this ficture novel I allowed the pen to become a needle. words as the colors, of threads, different patches of materials as the charactors lives. finishing the novel I had a huge patch quilt, one can curl up in this quilts novel on a bed or the best read on a leisurely vacation leaving ones problems behind. for warmth wrap up in theses charactors patch quilt. the Grandmother, Grandy the mother, little girl Ashes, with each stitch the needle pushes though theses peoples lives by a thumble, the patches of their lives which theses people are stuck, same patterns no styles. As one thread break it unravels a patch this novel will read as though the reader wishes you could sew the patches back in tack before it all begains to unravel another patch. The lives of theses people especially Ashes being stuck by everyone. Ashes trying to be all the patches to cover the complete quilt with no knowledge once she was covered in small patches of this lifes quilt for warmth someone else would drag it away from her always leaving Ashes out in the cold. oh one day Ashes will no longer need a lifes patch quilt She through her many stitchs of life will become as precious 'IVORY' as her lifes patch quilt tatters away Ashes will continue on to become wealthy and warm in her Life with Satin Sheets and Lace Ruffles.

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