Solomon's Search
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Solomon's Search


作者: Eloise Rodkey Rees
页数: 200
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781418447090







SOLOMON'S SEARCH follows the scriptures, but reaches into his soul. During his forty-year reign, this great king confronted many life-threatening and character-defining conflicts. When his beloved, favorite wife, Rebekah, ran away, he was agonized. Why? After Rebekah's prophet father, Nathan, CONDEMNED the King for worshipping Milcom (God of fertility) for an heir from his beloved Rebakah, Solomon BANISHED Nathan from the kingdom. And Rebekah felt she had to leave, or one of the king's older, jealous sons would kill her (as yet unborn) child. When after continuous searching he failed to find Rebekah, the king removed her name from all records. Turning his energies to building God's Temple, crafty Hiram of Tyre plagued the King by tripling the price for all quality material, which Hiram, only, could provide. Solomon's heir, Rehoboam tried to kill his father three times: by treachery at a lion hunt, by a serpent in his bed, and by poison. But God saved him. When the King was dieing, Rebekah and her grown son returned from the hidden caves. In humility, Solomon mumbled, "All is vanity." But Rebakah assured him of his great contributions: the Temple, peace during his reign of forty years, and his great integrity. Solomon died - with real hope for the future of Israel.

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