Echo Whispers
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Echo Whispers


作者: Patrick Naville
页数: 336
定价: $ 21.41
ISBN: 9781418445041







It's 1928. Al Capone controls the largest criminal syndicate in the country and rules his kingdom by corruption and extreme violence. His right-hand man is Frank Nitti, also known as "The Enforcer." In 1909, Federale troops conduct an assault on two American outlaws in the tiny village of San Vincente, Bolivia. Although Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid were known to be in the area at that time, no one could say with certainty that the two men who were killed that day were in fact, the famous outlaws. The bodies were so riddled with bullets that no positive identification could be made. The robberies and hold-ups came to an abrupt halt at the same time, so it was assumed, and has been recorded in history, that their rowdy and raucous lives came to a bloody end. Butch and Sundance have been in hiding all these years. Butch, still the mastermind, executes a plan that gets them enough money to book passage on a ship to the States. It is on the ship where the two have their first run-in with Nitti. Back in the states, Nitti kills Sundance. Butch vows to avenge Sundance's murder and the chase is on.

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