The Hunt
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The Hunt


作者: Terry Peters
页数: 320
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9781418443207







In the jungles of Northern Thailand, environmentalists Alan Griswold and Kate Barstow witness the brutal murder of a young couple hunted for sport. Having secretly photographed the grisly slayings, Griswold attempts to flee along with Barstow but is captured by a band of mercenaries in the pay of a sadistic former U.S. Marine general. During his torture, Griswold reveals the existence of the film, which Barstow, now on the run, has in her possession. She is lucky enough to be discovered by outdoor guide John Armstrong and his photographer client, who help her escape the jungle, but only after narrowly evading Griswold's captors. With Barstow back in Bangkok under Armstrong's protection, the film is processed and Armstrong recognizes the ex-general as his former commanding officer in Vietnam. While in the bustling Asian metropolis, Kate is saved by Armstrong's son, Mike, from a kidnapping attempt. A mutual attraction builds between the two and Mike is drawn into the battle ahead. As fists and bullets fly, the struggle for the evidence escalates. The action never slows as this fast-paced story of revenge, greed and retribution hurtles towards the final confrontation.

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