Love the Common Denominator
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Love the Common Denominator


作者: Paul Magdalene
页数: 640
定价: $ 33.34
ISBN: 9781418439316







My Lost Love recounted the calling and amazing experience of Craig and Suzzan. Love The Common Denominator -My Journey to the Truth is the second in the trilogy, which continues with Craig and Suzzan being shown how God's message has become distorted by mankind's dogma, doctrine and intellectualism. The book is divided into three volumes, which is described by Suzzan as her more than seven-year labor of love, gathering the pieces of a metaphorical Jigsaw Puzzle to reveal the Truth. Volume I examines the debate between creation and evolution and the mysterious references to gods and demigods in antiquity. Then, following chronologically through the Old Testament, the first volume demonstrates how humanity's concept of history just may be flawed, before ending with the similarity of the world's teachers. Volume II traces the origins of Christianity and it's struggle through persecution to define who Jesus was. Also, it asks whether orthodoxy or Catholicism was the closest to Jesus' teachings or were his earliest followers members of another sect? In addition, the second volume examines the rise of Islam and the revival of ancient mystical teachings. Arriving in the Middle Ages, this volume relates how dangerous fear and superstition is. With the Renaissance, it recounts how western humanity appeared to have emerged from the Dark Ages showing the promise of enlightened understanding. The volume ends with discussing what actually did occur and hypothesizes over some of the causes involved. Finally, the third volume is concerned with uncovering the mysteries spoken of by both Jesus and Paul. Relating that humanity's spiritual evolution is irrevocably linked to its physical evolution. VolumeIII demonstrates that the Truth has been concealed in encoded numbers and symbology. It also illustrates how the scriptures contain at least seven keys of interpretation. The last volume shows that the world's religions all originate through a common thread known as the Wisdom Religion. In the conclusion, Suzzan's journey to the Truth ends with her compiling the metaphorical Jigsaw Puzzle and discovering the simple universal Truth that God wants us all to understand.

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