The Phantom in Management
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The Phantom in Management


作者: Marjorie L·Ellis
页数: 88
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9781418439002







To: The Reader From: The Author Your selection of this manual will challenge your present understanding of full-cycle management. This manual is the result of more than two decades of management training in private business, research, and government administration by awesome administrative professionals. As you can imagine, there are many entertaining stories and insights that would be great fun to share with you (and very tempting to tell). But, since my objective is to get you straight to the point, I have condensed the manual as though I had done the SPEED READING for you. You will find that only the explanations of my trial and error work progression is used to bring about your understanding quickly of the MISSING LINK IN MANAGEMENT. If all who read this manual will adjust their management style to include this missing link in management, there would be an instantaneous surge of communications and a definite inability for fraud in most areas of business. Also, productivity and quality control would be the by-product of this adjustment. As you might surmise, I have great enthusiasm for this manual and believe that its concept should be incorporated into every office training program.

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