No Future with Out Forgiveness
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No Future with Out Forgiveness


作者: Michael Byrd
页数: 108
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9781418435929







Paul W. Carlin, Th.D, Ph.D. of The Therapon Institute. (An Christian counseling licensing and certification institution) writes Forgive as an interrelated concept among the disciplines of psychology, theology and spiritual growth has grown since the 1990's. Christian counselors and clinicians now point to forgiveness as a useful and necessary part of the wounded person's healing process. Dr. J. M. Brandsma writes in the Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, "Forgiveness is overcoming of negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors not by denying the offense or the right to be hurt or angry, but by viewing the offender with acceptance ( if not compassion) so that the forgiver can be healed. Forgiveness is not denial or indifference, pardon, reconciliation, condoning, excusing, passive forgetting, weakness, or an interpersonal game. Forgiveness in do way cancels the crime, but it works to take care of the distortions caused by the unhealthy aspects of anger and resentment so that the person may achieve peace of mind and body." How to forgive is the big question. In the 12 steps to forgiveness, Michael has imparted revelation truth in a simple and organized format that will be extremely helpful. Now, with the introduction of Michael's book, "forgiveness focus groups," can become a reality. The work is Biblical and powerful and much needed in the kingdom of God. The ministry and there laity are both crippled by the plague of unforgiveness. Marriages fail, churches crumble and lives are eventually emotionally destroyed because of unforgiveness. Washed up on the beaches of rescue missions and the streets of our large cities are mentally impaired people who were drowned in the sea ofunforgiveness. May God bless and use Michael's book to set many Christians free. Paul W. Carlin, Th.D, Ph.D. The Therapon Institute


德斯蒙德•图图(Desmond Tutu,1931— )1986年当选圣公会开普敦大主教(南非圣公会最负盛名的职位,是南非首位黑人大主教),1995年领导“真相与和解委员会”促成南非的转型正义与种族间的和解。图图被广泛认为是“南非的道德良心”,现为“国际长者会”成员,与一群世界领袖人物以他们的智慧、善良、正直和领导力在全球倡导人权。



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