Circle of Love
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Circle of Love


作者: Jessica Connors
页数: 248
定价: $ 19.78
ISBN: 9781418431297







Cindra Kendalls' life is about to change. Since assimilating herself within her father's software company, her life has led a hectic pace. Because of her mother's death, staying close to her father, Edward, and gaining his respect has become a priority since she witnessed his life-threatening heart attack. Edward, realizing his health is deteriorating, decides to step in and arrange a love interest. Nick Gentry was Cindra's equal. His strengths in administration and Cindra's flare for creative programming offered Edward a perfect complement in the continuation of his company. As for his daughter, Edward made sure that his choice for husband was intelligent and assertive--qualities Cindra expected. Work priorities had him miss out on Cindra's childhood. He refused to let Cindra make the same mistake. Until the proposed deception is unveiled to Nick, he is as unsuspecting as Cindra. The plot draws him deeper and when the discovery is made, Nick has to prove his love all over again. It is all the harder now because nick is truly in love and can afford no mistakes. Cindra's trials are not through. Her father's death leaves her inconsolable. She realizes she is pregnant with her estranged lover. Her father's company...her hovering on ruin. Moreover, she loves Nick, still.

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