White Hats and Black Hats
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White Hats and Black Hats


作者: Ray A·Randolph
页数: 192
定价: $ 15.26
ISBN: 9781418430955







Less than a year after his showdown with Duke Maxwell and gang, former Detective Lieutenant John Frederick Kingman and wife Caroline return to Indianapolis to visit their daughter Betsy, son-in-law Tom, and grandson Thomas Jonathon. Within hours after arriving, Kingman finds that Tom is being harassed by unknown persons who want a videotape they suspect contains information about their scheme to steal police department property. Kingman becomes an active player in the game when Tom is threatened and his videographer is beaten and hospitalized. Faced with unknown odds and limited resources, Kingman enlists the aid of Philip Stonerman, another retired ex-cop, living in Fort Myers. When Kingman and Stonerman uncover the extent of the illicit scheme and the person behind it-Kingman's old nemesis, former Deputy Chief Horace Hornecker, who is a political appointee in the mayor's office, they are faced with the possibility of what Kingman's friend, Homicide Commander Matt Kincaid, calls "playing with fire." After a last ditch play to obtain the videotape fails in spectacular fashion, Kingman and Stonerman decide on an offensive course of action. Subsequent confrontations and an ingenious counter-scheme lead to the climax of John Frederick Kingman's latest adventure in Indianapolis.

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