Grandma Cindy's Not So Tall Tales
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Grandma Cindy's Not So Tall Tales


作者: Cindy Gonzalez
页数: 60
定价: $ 37.29
ISBN: 9781418426446







I started writing these tales for my grandsons who love their bedtime stories. They live in Arizona and we don't get to see them often enough, so I thought by writing some stories myself, that it would give them a bit of closeness that we don't have otherwise. The stories are designed to help in the growth process and provide some positive reinforcement for some of the awkward situations that children face every day. Hopefully there are a few ideas in here to help them through. "Small Bear With A Big Wish" is about trying new things and not getting discouraged. "Martin, the Left-Handed Monkey" is learning that different is not wrong or stupid, and never easy. "Freckle-face" is about being happy with your self. These stories have all come from things that I have experienced after being an aunt, mother, stepmother, grandmother, and school bus driver. Children are an endless source of inspiration and learning. They can teach as well as be taught and we all have a lot to learn. "A Worm's Tale" is and example of how each teller of a story sees it differently.

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