Revolutionary Retailing
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Revolutionary Retailing


作者: Robert Kramer
页数: 132
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9781418416577







This book is NOT about the lawsuit filed against my business which cost well over $100,000.00 in legal fees TO WIN I just wish I would have written and read it prior to the lawsuit and saved the $100,000.00 for a nice cruise or yacht. I just wasn't thinking How much will my experiences save or earn for you? If after reading this book and USING just two or more of the hundreds of ideas you can honestly say that you did not find AT LEAST $1,000.00 in value you can return the book for a $50 check made out to YOUR favorite non-profit charity. I did very little research to write this book. I worked from age 7 until I retired at age 50 in the trenches of a small family owned business to research this book. It is "Bob's basic business building battle book" for any business type or size. I have been hired to help a large variety of entrepreneurs, including owners of professional practices, to better market and manage their businesses. I repeat this book is NOT just for retail storeowners. The stories however, are MY EXPERIENCES as they happened in the world of retail.

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