The Bright Side
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The Bright Side


作者: Bessie Frazier
出版年: 2004-10
页数: 76
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781418414610







Readers will enjoy this book because of realistic approaches to every day experiences. Bessie Frazier offers optimistic solutions to daily problems. Life is complex for young readers who have to deal with peer pressure and growing up in our world today. This book is a reminder that things may not be as bad as they seem, and that there are always alternatives. Sometimes when conflicts are going on in the reader's life he/she may not remember to think about all the good things or what's going right. These are some of the themes in Look on the Bright Side- "Optimism, Hope, Never Give Up, Count Your Blessings, Escape to a Fun Place, Time Makes things better, Be Thankful, Smiling Feels Good, Critical Thinking, Test Your Imagination and Alternatives, Just to name a few. This book is designed to have you - the reader to "Look on the Bright Side and find a positive answer. Her messages are realistic and clear. This is a book of poems that readers can walk in the shoes of the characters or perhaps you are the character in the poem. In our world of problems, challenges and sometimes confusion. Ms. Frazier offers many meaningful solutions.

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