Melting World
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Melting World


作者: Richard Alan Ruof
页数: 204
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781418410025







As secularism and commercialism proceed to dominate American life, the removal of structures that protect and nurture the spiritual experience has perilous effects. Values wane; greed, self-interest, and incidents of conflict alarm. Chambers of the soul are invaded and the dearest treasures sacked. Those most vulnerable are children and youth, the married, the poor, and the disconnected. While in his first book Songs of the Lesser Servants the author presented in poetry spiritual experiences and perceptions of the changing social situation, this book concentrates on secularism's effect on the inner person. Melting World presents the ever-renewing spiritual contrasted with worldly ruin. Poems of experience, vision, parable, and allegory spring from everyday situations. Each poem challenges the reader to examine current perceptions of faith and secularism. Modern humanity must realize that secularism is not ideal society before it is too late to turn back. Under the guise of issues of church and state, man's spirituality is removed in schools, public places and media. Generations view man as a higher primate without soul or spirit. Spiritual man without God's presence dies in a melting world. Hope remains in begin again.

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